Name of Scheme
Vocational Training Programme for SC-ST Youth (Dalit
Varg Vayevsaik Prashikshan Yojna)
Sponsored by
State Government
Funding Pattern
Funded by the Corporation. A stipend of Rs.Rs.500/-
per month per trainee is paid if the training is imparted in the home
district and Rs.750/- per month per trainee if the training is imparted
out of home district of the trainee.
Other Government Organisation
Under this scheme, the corporation endeavors to
provide vocational training to the SC/ST youth in traditional and
non-traditional trades through I.T.I./Private Institution/Master
Eligibility criteria
1. Members of Scheduled Caste Family who is bonafide
Resident of Himachal Pradesh. 2. Annual family income limit Rs .22000/-
p.a . 3. Age Limit : 18 to 35 years.
How to Avail
The students intending to avail the benefit of
Vocational Training scheme have to contact or personally visit office of
HPSCST Development Corporation.
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
03 / 04 / 2008
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2011
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Him Swalamban Yojna-Loan Scheme for SC/ST Persons for
Starting Transport, Service, Agricutlure Sector
Sponsored by
Both: Central & State Government
Funding Pattern
Shared by the Promoter (5%), NNSFDC (85%) and State
SC/ST Development Corporation (10%). A loan of upto Rs.5 Lakhs may be
given at 6% PA rate of interest. Higher rate of interest may be charged
for loans upto the national average of Rs.30 lakhs
State Government PSU
This Loan Scheme is for low income SC ST families for
starting a business transport, service, agriculture and allied industrial
services sectors.
Benefit Type
Eligibility criteria
1. Members of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe
Family who is bonafide Resident of Himachal Pradesh. 2. Annual Income
Limit Rural Areas : Rs.40,000/- Urban Areas : Rs.55, 000/- 3. Age Limit :
18 to 55 years (In case of Transport loan 20 to 53 years having valid
license for the vehicle concerned). 4. Who is not defaulter of any
financial institution/bank.
How to Avail
Approach office of Himachal Pradesh Schedule Cast And
Tribe Development Corporation.
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
04 / 06 / 2008
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2011
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Interest Free Study Loan to Deserving SC/ST Students
for Professional Courses
Sponsored by
State Government
Funding Pattern
Directly by HP SC/ST Development Corporation. Loan
upto Rs.75,000 for 5 year course is provided without interest. Repayment
period is 5 years and it starts after two years of completion of course or
starting job or business, whichever is earlier.
State Government PSU
Under this scheme, the Himachal Pradesh SC ST
Development Corporation provides interest free education loan to Schedule
Caste/Tribe students who are studying in professional/technical courses in
recognised institutions.
Benefit Type
Eligibility criteria
1. Members of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe
Family who is bonafide Resident of Himachal Pradesh. 2. Annual Family
Income Maximum Rs.1,00,000/-p.a. 3. Applicant should be a regular student
of recognized Institution/University. 4. Applicant should not be a
defaulter of any Financial Institution/Bank.
How to Avail
Students of SC ST categories desiring to avail
benefit of this scheme have to contact office of HPSCST Development
Corporation at District Solan, Himachal Pradesh
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
03 / 04 / 2008
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2011
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Integrated Wool Improvement Programme
Sponsored by
Central Government
Animal Husbandry
This Project has been sponsored by Central Wool
Development Board Jodhpur for the period of 4 years on the 100% Central
Assistance pattern. This project is being implemented in District Chamba,
Kangra & Kullu . Rupees 1.25 Crores as first year installment have
been received by Wool Federation and are being spent on following
activities: Breed improvement. Health Care. Training camps for sheep
breeders. Assistance for marketing and product development of wool.
Establishment of multipurpose extension centres.
Benefit Type
Other Benefits
Grant-in-aid to Wool Federation
Eligibility criteria
Farmers owning sheep
How to Avail
Approach the Directorate of Animal Husbandry,
Himachal Pradesh and Deputy Director offices at District Headquarters
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
01 / 01 / 2006
Valid Upto
01 / 01 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Sanjhi Van Yojna, 2001
Sponsored by
State Government
Department of forest
The Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to
promulgate the following scheme for sustainable management of forest
resources in the State in collaboration with the local communities. The
present scheme shall have the following objectives. Involvement of grass
root level institutions such as gram panchayats, mahila mandals, yuvak
mandals, ex-servicemen bodies, schools, Village Forest Development
Societies (VFDSs), User groups, other Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
and NGOs in sustainable management of forest resources
Benefit Type
Other Benefits
Community Benefits
Eligibility criteria
Local Communities
How to Avail
Approach the Directorate of Forest, Himachal Pradesh
and Deputy Director offices at District Headquarters
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
01 / 01 / 2001
Valid Upto
01 / 01 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
Sponsored by
Central Government
Department of Industries
The PMRY aimed to provide employment to more than a
million persons by setting up of 7 lakhs micro enterprises by the educated
unemployed youth during the last four years of VIII Five Year Plan i.e.
1993-94 to 1996-97. The Scheme has been continuing in the IX Five Year
Plan. It relates to the setting up of the self employment ventures in all
economically viable projects (except direct agricultural operations). The
Scheme also seeks to associate reputed non-governmental organisations in
implementation of PMRY Scheme especially in the selection, training of
entrepreneurs and preparation of project profiles.
Benefit Type
Other Benefits
Employment Benefits
Eligibility criteria
1) Age : 18 to 40 years for all educated unemployed
in North Eastern States and HP. 18 to 45 years for Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribes, Ex-servicemen, Physically Handicapped and Women
educated unemployed in the country. 2) Educational Qualifications: VIII
Passed. Preference will be given to those trained in any trade in
Government recognized/approved institutions for at least six months. 3)
Family Income: Neither the income of the beneficiary along with spouse nor
the income of parents of the beneficiaries should exceed Rs. 24,000/- per
annum. Up to Rs.40,000/- per annum in the North Eastern States and HP. 4)
Defaulter: Should not be a defaulter of any Nationalised Bank/financial
institution/Cooperative Bank. Further a person already assisted under
other subsidy, linked Government schemes would not be eligible under the
Scheme. 5) Residency: Beneficiary should be the permanent resident of the
area for at least three years.
How to Avail
Approach the Directorate of Industries, Himachal
Pradesh and Assistant Director Offices at District Headquarters
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
01 / 01 / 2002
Valid Upto
01 / 01 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Educational Loan of Himachal Backward Classes Finance
and Development Corporation
Sponsored by
State Government
Funding Pattern
Interest free loan to students at the rate Rs.
10,000/ per annum with a maximum limit of Rs. 50,000/- per student.
State Government PSU
HBCFDC provides educational loans to students of
backward classes living below double the poverty line for pursuing general
/ professional / technical courses or training at graduate or higher
level. Under this scheme the loan is provided to those students whose
family income is not more than Rs.36, 000/ p.a. This scheme provides
interest free loan to the students at the rate Rs. 10,000/ p.a. with a
maximum limit of Rs. 50,000/- per student. The courses covered under these
loan scheme are: 1. Ph.D. 2. M.B.B.B.S. 3. MCA 4. L.L.B. 5. J.B.T. 6. B.ED.
7. Bachelor Degree in Architecture Engineering. 8. One Year Hotel
Management Course. 9. Bachelor Degree in BAMS. 10. Three years Nursing
Diploma. 11. Other Commercial Courses.
Other Beneficiaries
Students, backward classes
Benefit Type
Eligibility criteria
Students whose family income is not more than
Rs.36,000/ p.a
How to Avail
Visit the office of Himachal Backward Classes Finance
and Development Corporation, Kangra or contact 01892-264334
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2006
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Smart Card Scheme of HRTC
Sponsored by
State Government
HRTC has introduced SMART CARD. Under this scheme, a
smart card holder is allowed 10% concession in fare for travelling in HRTC
buses. The senior citizen as a special gesture is allowed 20% concession
in fare. The general public can purchase the smart card against a payment
of Rs. 180/- having its validity for one year.
Benefit Type
Eligibility criteria
Smart Card Holders
How to Avail
Approach the Directorate of Fisheries Bilaspur-174001
Himachal Pradesh and Assistant Director Offices at District Headquarters
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2006
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Hotel/Motel Loan Scheme
Sponsored by
State Government
Funding Pattern
15,00,000/- without CA above 15.00 lacs with prior CA
from NABARD.
Himachal pradesh state co-operative bank limited
1 Maximum Limits 15,00,000/- without CA above 15.00
lacs with prior CA from NABARD. 2 Eligibility Individual 3 Purposes To
boost tourism activities. 4 Repayment period Maximum period of five years
including moratorium period of 1-2 years or completion of construction
which ever is earlier. 5 Collateral Security The land and construction
thereon along with other assets created shall be mortgaged/Hyp. In favour
of the Bank.
Benefit Type
Eligibility criteria
How to Avail
Approach to the State Headquaters and Branch Manager
at Distt Level Branches
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2006
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
LOAN (External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Post Matric Scholarship to SC/ ST/OBC students
Sponsored by
Central Government
Department of Education
The students (SC/ST) whose parents annual income is
up to Rs.1,00,000/- are eligible for full scholarship (i.e. maintenance
allowance plus full fee ) for all courses. All OBC students whose annual
income is up to Rs. 44,500/- are eligible for full Scholarship provided
they are studying in Govt./Govt. aided institutions.
Benefit Type
Other Benefits
Eligibility criteria
SC/ ST/OBC students
How to Avail
Approach to the Directorate of Education Shimla or
Assistant Director office at District level
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2006
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
(-1 MB) (PDF file that opens in a new window)

Name of the Scheme
Subsidy for Installation of Hydrams
Sponsored by
State Government
Rural Development
The Government of India has approved a Project for
Installation of 400 Hydrams under SGSY Special Project Component with a
total Project Cost of Rs. 1047.20 lacs which includes subsidy of Rs.
770.48 lacs, Rs. 161.40 lacs as loan component and Rs. 115.32 lacs as
beneficiaries share. The subsidy component will be shared by Centre and
State Government on 75:25 sharing basis. Upto march 2006 , 268 Hydrams
have been procured out of which 208 Hydrams have been installed. Rs.
376.116 lacs have been spent on the installation of Hydrams.
Benefit Type
Eligibility criteria
Bonafied Himachali
How to Avail
Approach the Directorate of Rural Development
Himachal Pradesh and Assistant Director Offices at District Headquarters
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2002
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
National Family Benefit Scheme
Sponsored by
Central Government
Department of Rural Development
In case of the death of a breadwinner of a family
living below the poverty line a financial assistance of Rs.10,000/- per
family is provided to bereaved family.
Benefit Type
Eligibility criteria
For People Living in Rural Areas
How to Avail
Approach the Directorate of Rural Development
Himachal Pradesh and Assistant Director Offices at District Headquarters
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2006
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Green Gold Scheme
Sponsored by
Both: Central & State Government
Department of Rural Development
The Government of India has approved a Project titled
Green Gold in respect of District Chamba under SGSY Special Project
Component with a total Project Cost of Rs.1488.73 lacs which includes
subsidy of Rs.1361.23 lacs, Rs. 127.50 lacs as loan component and
beneficiaries share. Centre and State Government will share the subsidy
component on 75:25 sharing basis. Under this Project the following
activities will be taken: - Cultivation of Medicinal plants, Aromatic
plants, Flowers and Orchids Cultivation of Off Season vegetables.
Cultivation of Mushroom Improved Dairy Management
Benefit Type
So far Rs.544.491 lacs have been provided to DRDA
Chamba for the implementation of this project out of which Rs. 342.07 lacs
have been spent up to March,2006. Under Cultivation of Medicinal plants,
Aromatic plants, Flowers and Orchids component of the project. 6 numbers
nurseries have been established and 165 SHGs have been trained. Under
Cultivation of Off Season vegetables components 6 nurseries have been
established and fertilizers, seeds and chemicals etc. have been provided
to the farmers. Under Cultivation of Mushroom component 8 SHGs have been
imparted training. Under Improved Dairy Management component of the
project various training and workshops have been organised and fodders
seeds have also been provided to the farmers.
Eligibility criteria
For People Living in District Chamba
How to Avail
Approach the Directorate of Rural Development
Himachal Pradesh and Assistant Director Offices at District Headquarters
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2006
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Area Expansion Scheme
Sponsored by
State Government
Funding Pattern
Assistance at 50% of the cost of cultivation with a
maximum limit of Rs. 13,000/- per hectare is available except for
floriculture, medicinal and aromatic plants, where the maximum assistance
available is Rs. 13,000/- and Rs. 4,000/-, respectively for an area of 0.2
Department of horticulture
Fruits like Apple (spur, colour strains &
processing varieties), Pear (colour strains), Plum, Peach, Nectarines,
Apricot, Prunes, Cherry, Pomegranate, Hazel Nut, Walnut, Pecan Nut, Aonla,
Mango, Litchi, Kiwi, Ber, Guava, Citrus (Sweet Orange, Kinnow, K. Lime),
vegetables including root & tuber crops, exotic vegetables and
Vegetable Hybrids, Flowers, Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic plants etc.
are the crops being covered under this programme. Area Expansion also
includes replacement of old and senile plants. Assistance at 50% of the
cost of cultivation with a maximum limit of Rs. 13,000/- per hectare is
available except for floriculture, medicinal and aromatic plants, where
the maximum assistance available is Rs. 13,000/- and Rs. 4,000/-,
respectively for an area of 0.2 hectares.
Benefit Type
Other Benefits
Financial Help
Eligibility criteria
How to Avail
Approach the Directorate of Horticulture Himachal
Pradesh and Assistant Director Offices at District Headquarters
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2002
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Integrated Wastelands Development Programme
Sponsored by
Central Government
Department of Rural Development
Integrated Wastelands Development Programme is being
implemented in all the districts of the state except Bilaspur, Una and
Lahaul & Spiti. Prior to 1.4.2000 the watershed projects under this
programme were being funded 100% by the Central Government. However the
projects sanctioned after 1.4.2000 are being funded Rs. 5500/-per ha by
the GOI and Rs. 500/- per ha. by the State Government. During the year
2004-2005 the Government of India has sanctioned two new projects with a
total project outlay of Rs. 900.00 lakhs for treatment of 15,000 ha. of
Benefit Type
Other Benefits
Financial Help
Eligibility criteria
This Scheme is for all the districts of the state
except Bilaspur, Una and Lahaul & Spiti
How to Avail
Approach the Directorate of Rural Development
Himachal Pradesh and Assistant Director Offices at District Headquarters
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2002
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
(External website that opens in a new window) 
Name of the Scheme
Thakur Sen Negi Uttkrishta Chhatervriti Yojna
Sponsored by
State Government
Department of Education
72% and above marks subject to the condition of 200
students (100 Boys 100 Girls ) Schedule Tribe Categories on merit basis at
plus 1 stage and similar number of awards at plus 2 stage . The scrutiny
of application forms of eligible candidates is made at Directorate level
on the basis of Merit List of 10th and plus 1 classes supplied by the H.P.
Board of School Education Dharamshala for bonafide Himachali students and
Benefit Type
Other Benefits
Eligibility criteria
For General category and for Schedule Tribe(100 Boys
100 Girls)
How to Avail
Approach to the Directorate of Education Shimla or
Assistant Director office at District level
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On
31 / 03 / 2006
Valid Upto
31 / 03 / 2012
Reference URL
(-1 MB) (PDF file that opens in a new window)
