Sheeps and goats are considered as property of the Gaddis. While its meat and milk are used for consumption, wool is used for making various woolen articles; and dried skin are used to make carry bags and other useful products. Usually both but mostly females prepare the woolen articles for the family from the sheep wool. First of all wool fibers are sorted out as different lenghts are used for making different articles.After that it is washed,cleaned and combed using kangis.The combed wool is spun using a spinning wheel called Charkha and the cloth is woven on handloom called Rachh(or Khaddi).
Some articles that are woven/handicrafted by gaddi genre at their home mostly are listed below.

Gardu is a blanket with black and white squares pattern formed alternately is a speciallity of Gaddi community.Cloth of 45X60 meter width called patti is made and then tow pieces are joined together to broaden it with had weaving. It may be 5 meter long and about 1.5 m wide. Possesion of gardus is considered a status symbol in gaddi community, whenever a guest comes a new gardu is provided as courtesy.It is considered so warm that i protects Gaddi shephers from both snow and rain.
Gardi is a blanket of smaller size and is lighter than Gardu.It has same pattern like gardu, usually give to children or taken for journey to keep warm.
Patti is a cloth(fabric) woven in single colour such as off-white or black and is narrow in width but long.It is used to make coat,chola(or cholu) for men and women, suthan(pyjama),kurti(shirt), topi(cap) and similar other dresses.

It is usually of one color, such as white or gray. It is almost equal size and weighs like that of gardu. It can be decorated with the coloured threds.
Shawls are woven for both males and females with remarkable uniqueness.Shawls made for men are of one colour or black and white check but for women its woven in multicolored designs. Male shawls are large in size, heavy in weight as well has rough texture as compared to females shawls.

Thalch is an intricate rope made from goat hair. It is usually 8-10 meters in length. These are used to carry load or dry woolen clothes. Goat hair are first spun and then woven for making thalch. A provision of loop is also kept at one end so that load can be tied properly and carried to destination.
Khalri is the (dried skin) bag made of skin of sheep or goat.Whole skin of sheep or goat is taken off,dried and hairs are removed, openings are stitched to make a bag. It is used for keeping foodgrains,flour etc. The size of the bag varies according to the size of the sheep or goat with whose skin it is make up of.The bags prpeared of lamb are used for kids to carry or for keeping the jewellery or money by gaddis.
Thobi(Or Sella):
Thobi is a carpet made up of goat hair is very rough in texture but very durable. Its size vary according to the requirement of the users.
The woolen of gaddi are generaly woven for fulfilling their own personal needs.These woolens are generally heavy as well as rough to meet the local weather needs.These handicraft products are not being promoted and as a result they do not get appropriate price in local market. Also due to modernisation where machine made winter clothes are available they are producing less as it takes long time to weave and on other hand get less returns for their time and hardwork.They also have less exposure about the outside world, so there is strong need to add value and preserve these heritage products. Their promotion and popularisation will help to continue the tradition and much valued heritage.